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Common Signs That You Need To Visit A Chiropractic Clinic

The Hillsborough Chiropractor Clinic

Aches and pains can really impact your day to day life and dampen your mood. If you’re suffering from strain and discomfort, seeing a chiropractor might be the solution! A chiropractor is someone who deals with skeletal, muscle and joint pain. Keep reading to find the top 5 signs that you should take a trip to your chiropractor.

How Do I Know If Chiropractic Care Is Right For Me?

You might be debating between visiting your doctor or seeing a chiropractor. If your pain is chronic, you may want to see your doctor for a professional diagnosis and they may recommend you to see a chiropractor for treatment. Although you do not need  a referral to see a chiropractor.  After being referred to a chiropractor, they will be able to help you pinpoint the cause of your pain and establish a plan moving forward.

Chiropractors have completed a minimum of 4 year degree course. If you decide to see a chiropractor, make sure you  see a fully trained and qualified chiropractor.  All of our chiropractors have completed a full time degree course and are registered with the General Chiropractic Council.

What Does A Chiropractic Actually Do?

A chiropractor uses their hands to manipulate your body and spine in order to relieve the pain in your muscles or joints. Chiropractic treatment helps to restore optimal function, this can reduce muscle tension and joint/ nerve pain.

The typical treatments they offer are for:

●    Back pain

●    Neck pain

●    Shoulder & elbow pain

●    Sciatic pain

●    Arthritis problems

Our chiropractors can tailor different treatments to your body, treatment may range from mobilisation and massage/ trigger point therapy techniques to spinal manipulation.

Signs You Need Chiropractic Adjustment

These are the top 5 signs you should go to see your chiropractor or make an appointment for a consultation.

Joint Pains

Chiropractors not only treat spinal problems, they can also help you with shoulder, hip and knee pains by mobilising joints and stretching/ strengthening muscles. If we think that you would benefit from further investigations or from seeing a consultant with a view to surgery, we can refer you on to your doctor.


Back Pain

Chiropractors treat many patients with back pain. The pain may be coming from minor restrictions in joint movement/ muscle imbalance, osteoarthritis, muscle strains or disc problems. Our chiropractors can help identify the root cause of your pain and help you to establish a plan of treatment to help you to get back to normal again.

Depending on the type of work you do, this might be impacting your back and causing you pain. Chronic back pain can be the result of multiple factors, such as your posture or being on your feet all day. By gaining an understanding of your lifestyle, your chiropractor will then be able to give the most appropriate type of treatment. Treatments such as medical acupuncture may also be recommended to help you start feeling your best again.



The throbbing pain of a headache can be caused by various factors and impact us all at one time or another. There are so many types of headaches, so identifying the type you’re suffering from is beneficial in helping you to get the right treatment. If you’re experiencing headaches on a regular basis then it might be a good idea to see your doctor or chiropractor. Headaches are commonly caused by things like muscle tension, neck problems, dehydration, fatigue or caffeine withdrawals.

If your chiropractor  thinks that your headache may be neck related, then  they will talk you through a treatment plan that could help you. 

By gaining a more thorough understanding of your headaches and what is causing them, your chiropractor may recommend some dietary or lifestyle changes to help you combat this too.

Limited Motion & Flexibility

Our flexibility decreases as we age, which is expected, however, becoming stiff may be a tell-tale sign that you may need to start paying more attention to your body. Our chiropractors can help mobilise your joints and give you stretching and strengthening exercises to help improve your mobility.

Sharp Shooting Pain In Your Legs

Shooting pain in your legs, or tingling and weakness may be a sign of an irritated nerve.  These pains can impact your ability to continue with daily living. It can affect your walking/ work. The spinal nerves can be irritated by a disc prolapse or wear and tear.  If these symptoms sound familiar to you, it would be a good idea to see one of our professional  chiropractors to help establish the cause of your pain. If your pain has lasted longer than 6 weeks  it is a good idea to get checked by your doctor or a chiropractor.

Your leg pain may actually be sciatica.  Sciatic pain is caused when your sciatic nerve is irritated, this can result in pain from your buttock down your leg. It will vary from mild to severe depending on the person, and can feel like a shock or a deep ache. Typically, sciatica can resolve on its own, however it is still a good idea to get a check if it has gone on for longer than 6 weeks.

Still unsure?

If you are not certain that  chiropractic is right for you. You can call our friendly reception team and book in for a free screening. This is a  short telephone call  with one of our chiropractors to try and establish if  chiropractic treatment might be right for you or if you are better seeing your doctor.

Finding A Good Chiropractor

If you decide that seeing a chiropractor would be the best option for you, finding a good, reliable chiropractor is your next task.

●    Try to get a referral from friends, family or your doctor to help you find someone who is reliable and qualified- always ensure they are registered with The General Chiropractic Council.

●    Research your symptoms and condition so that you can get the most out of your treatment and help your chiropractor to understand your health needs

●    If you have a referral or a certain practice in mind, check out their website to make sure you are happy

Hillsborough Chiropractic Clinic

We are a Sheffield based chiropractic clinic that offer a range of services to help you with your musculoskeletal problems. We have three professional chiropractors and  also have a fantastic massage therapist on site. You can find a list of the conditions and symptoms that we treat here on our website.

Our team of highly experienced practitioners and our massage therapist are committed to helping you find a solution to your strains and getting you back to feeling like yourself again.

If you are interested in our treatments, would like to book a consultation, or enquire about our services, feel free to get in touch with us today to speak to our team! 

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