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Neck Pain, Disc And Whiplash Treatment In Sheffield

As a nation our lifestyles are tending to become more sedentary. We may spend long periods of time sitting, working at computers or performing repetitive tasks. Muscle fatigue and stress can compound the problem. These can all increase the strain placed on our muscles, spinal column and ultimately the discs and nerves. To get help, please reach out to us.


Muscle fatigue, stress and poor posture

These can compound the problem and start to cause pain, such as neck pain or headaches. The bones of your spine protect your spinal cord; loss of normal motion or position of these bones can irritate the nerve roots that exit from the spine to go to organs and tissues of the body. Flexibility of the spine is achieved through discs and ligaments between the vertebrae. A disc is made up from a central softer core and surrounded by outer rings of tough cartilage. To learn more, please contact us.

The disc allows shock absorption and movement

The term ‘slipped disc’ inaccurately describes the damage to the outer rings of cartilage, allowing the softer core to push outward. This can lead to a bulge, which may press on or chemically irritate the nerve, nerve root, or spinal cord. A disc bulge (prolapse) can cause severe pain. In the neck, this issue might result in arm pain, tingling, or numbness. If such pain persists for several days or recurs in the same area, please contact us.


Falls and blows to the head or neck can result in neck injury, our chiropractors will often see patients who are suffering neck pain following a motor vehicle accident. Whiplash is a term used to describe a rapid acceleration or deceleration of the body, which injures the mid-neck area. Many people who have suffered these injuries may still have significant pain for months after the injury, and others may suffer intermittent pain for years afterwards. Through the use of a good history, orthopaedic and neurological examination, we identify the specific cause of your pain.

Chiropractor adjusting woman's spine

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To book a consultation for neck pain treatment, please fill out our online form or call us on 0114 233 5553

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