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The Hillsborough Chiropractor Clinic

What is the Most Popular and Effective Sciatica Treatment?

Many people struggle with pain in their day to day lives, which can impact individuals on a daily basis. Chronic pain can take a toll on anyone, especially when your condition is limiting your day to day actions. Sciatica is a type of pain that can impact anyone, and is usually categorised by a pain around the sciatic nerve and lower back.


Sciatic pain can be treated in a range of ways, which we will explore in our blog, and effective treatment can vary from person to person. Our article is here to give you a full overview of what sciatica is, how it's diagnosed, and what the most effective types of treatment are. To learn more about sciatica, and what the best type of treatment could be for your situation, keep on reading.

Understanding Sciatica

Sciatica is a type of nerve pain, caused by an injury or irritation, which pinches or puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Sciatica can cause pain, but it can also cause a tingling feeling, or a feeling of numbness in the back of the legs and feet. The sciatic nerve is the biggest nerve in the human body, measuring up to 2 cm wide. Despite having one name, the sciatic nerve is actually a bundle of nerves which branch off the spinal cord.


We all have two sciatic nerves in our body, one on the right and one on the left side. The sciatic nerve runs down the hip and bottom, down the leg to the bottom of your knee, where the nerves split into other nerves. These are the nerves that you would find in your lower leg, feet and toes.

Symptoms Of Sciatica

There are many different signs that you could be suffering with sciatica. Some of the most common symptoms include:


●     Pain - Pain is one of the common signs of sciatica, and it is often described as a sharp pain, a tingling, a burning, or an electric shock. The pain can be felt in the lower back, down one side of the leg or when moving. 

●     Tingling / Pins & Needles - Tingling and a pins & needles feeling is another common sign of sciatica. You may feel tingling on one side of your body, usually in the legs.

●     Numbness - Loss of feeling in one or both legs can also be a common symptom of sciatica.

●     Muscle Weakness - A feeling of weakness in your muscles, especially in your legs, is another common sign of sciatica, and is a more severe symptom.

Causes Of Sciatica

There are also many ways that sciatica can occur or be caused, and these may differ from person to person. Some of the most common causes of sciatica include:

Risk Factors For Sciatica

Because sciatica can be caused by many different things, it can vary person to person. It also means that there are some individuals who may be more at risk than others. Some risk factors for sciatica include:


●     Injuries - For people who are relatively active and have sustained injuries, or those who are more susceptible to spinal problems, sciatica may be more likely to develop. If you have a current or previous injury that impacts your lower back or spine, you could be more susceptible to sciatica.

●     Wear & Tear - It's no secret that our bodies go through a bit of wear and tear as we age. Whether we're becoming more stiff or injury prone, it's completely normal to struggle with pinched nerves, herniated discs and other problems that could eventually lead to sciatica.

●     Obesity - Excess weight and obesity are another risk factor for sciatica, and they can impact your chances of developing the condition massively. The weight carried on the front of your body is carried by your spine, and individuals who are considered overweight or obese have more weight to carry. This causes back strain, more pain and can increase the chances of sciatica.

●     Your Job - If you work in an environment that is dependent on you lifting heavy items day to day, or doing lots of physical activity, this can increase your chance of lower back problems, no matter your age. Additionally, jobs with prolonged periods of sitting, such as office jobs, without proper support can also increase your chances of back problems and sciatica.

Sciatica Treatment Options

There are many ways to treat sciatica, depending on the severity of your pain, and the cause. Depending on your sciatica condition, there are many options out there, but ensure that you consult with your doctor first, so that they can recommend the safest treatment option based on a nerve examination.

Self Treatment 

Self treatment can be very effective, especially if you have very mild symptoms. If you’re experiencing tingling and numbness, you should definitely see a professional for treatment. If you have moderate pain, ice packs, heat packs and painkillers can help to alleviate your symptoms. Ibuprofen and heat/ice packs can help to reduce inflammation in the area, helping your symptoms.


Your doctor may recommend medication to help with your symptoms. These may include painkillers, muscle relaxants and other medications that can alleviate your symptoms, especially if you have chronic pain and severe symptoms.


If your sciatica is extremely severe, then surgery may be the best option to ensure the best and safest results. Surgery can be recommended if you have severe pain that is preventing you from doing daily tasks, or has been persistent for more than 6 weeks. During surgery, fragments of a herniated disc may be removed to relieve pressure on a nerve.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapies can be very effective in treating sciatica, and are a popular choice for those who have mild-severe sciatic pain. Chiropractic therapy and spinal adjustments can help massively, over the course of several weeks. You may need several rounds of chiropractic adjustment to see results, and may be given exercises/stretches to do at home, as these will help to improve the pain you’re dealing with.

How Does Chiropractic Help Sciatica?

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive way to treat sciatica, and over multiple sessions, help it to go away or become less severe. Chiropractors will use treatments to help mend the underlying issues. The techniques that chiropractors might use include the following.

Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractors will use their hands to make manual spinal adjustments through treatment. This helps to relieve the pressure in the sciatic nerve, and corrects any misalignments that may be causing the nerve to be under pressure. Spinal adjustments can have a range of benefits, reducing inflammation and improving mobility. These adjustments are tailored to the individual based on the severity of their sciatica and the cause, so that a safe treatment can be carried out.

Inflammation Targeting

By targeting inflamed areas, chiropractors can help to manage the inflammation and decrease the pressure on the sciatic nerve. By improving this, as well as joint motion, inflammation can be massively reduced. By reducing inflammation, the pressure on the nerve can also be reduced, reducing the pain and helping the individual to heal effectively.

Decrease Nerve Irritation

Sciatica is caused by pressure or irritation on your nerves, especially in the lower back. Chiropractic adjustments aim to reduce this irritation by improving the spinal alignment, which can, over time, reduce pressure and discomfort.

Improve Mobility & Flexibility

Chiropractic treatments can also improve overall mobility and flexibility. Tailored treatments may include simple exercises and stretching, which can improve the mobility of your lower back and legs. Enhancing your range of motion and flexibility can also help to prevent future flare ups of sciatica.

The Hillsborough Chiropractic Clinic: Effective Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica can be treated in many ways, and chiropractic treatments can prove very effective. Here at The Hillsborough Chiropractic Clinic, we offer a range of professional, quality chiropractic treatments for anyone struggling with chronic pain. Our goal is to help our   customers feel their best, with effective treatment plans and a team of qualified professionals.


From sciatica treatment to effective sports massage, our team is on hand to help you no matter what kind of pain you are struggling with. If you want to learn more about our services, head to our website to meet the team, or contact us today for more information.

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