If you’re experiencing pain in your body, particularly in your neck or your back, then you may decide to visit a chiropractor for effective treatment in alleviating this pain. However, following chiropractic adjustment, there are certain things you should and shouldn’t do to ensure the treatment remains as effective as possible.
Whilst your chiropractor will advise you specifically on any particular at-home aftercare you should follow post-treatment, we’ve listed some general guidance below advising you on the dos and don'ts following a chiropractic session.
The Dos
Stay Hydrated
During a chiropractic adjustment, your chiropractor is manipulating your joints to make them more mobile and improve your body’s alignment. In doing so, this can release toxins that have built up in your body, which then need to be flushed out so that they aren’t reabsorbed, thus allowing your body to heal better.
This is why it’s recommended to drink plenty of water following the session to help flush out these toxins from your body. Staying hydrated is also important for the movement of cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that surrounds your brain and spinal cord), which cannot move as it’s supposed to when dehydrated.
Light Exercise/Movement
It’s important to move directly following your adjustment, as well as throughout the remainder of the day. Light movement and/or exercise, such as walking, yoga or swimming, can help to stimulate blood flow and increase the amount of oxygen travelling through your body.
Both of these things are important for helping the body with the healing process, ensuring your pain continues to be alleviated, rather than coming back.
Eat Healthy Foods
Eating healthy foods that are rich in nutrients and provide you with slow-release energy gives your body the fuel it needs to repair itself faster, nurturing your recovery. Processed foods and foods high in sugar, on the other hand, can instead promote inflammation, which can worsen your pain.
It’s best to also avoid alcohol on the day of your treatment, as this can make you dehydrated and reduce the effectiveness with which your body flushes out any released toxins.
The Don’ts
Avoid Strenuous Activities
Whilst light movement is recommended, avoid any strenuous activities for the first 24 hours following your treatment. This can include:
● Heavy lifting
● Fast-paced or high impact sports and exercises
● Bending over for too long (e.g. when undertaking housework)
● Overstretching your muscles (either too aggressively or too repetitively)
These kinds of activities can cause your body to tense up, which can make it more difficult for the adjustment to hold and aggravate your condition.
Sit for too Long
Sitting for too long is one of the most common culprits for back and neck problems. Regardless of whether this was the initial cause of your pain, this can also reduce the effectiveness of your adjustment.
When you sit, your spinal discs are more compressed than when you stand. Movement keeps your spinal discs healthy by allowing them to expand and contract, while long periods in a seated position reduce your flexibility and increase your risks of a herniated disc - as well as increase your pain.
Following these tips, you can make the most of your chiropractic care. For further advice or to speak to a professional for a free spinal screening, then get in touch with us here at The Hillsborough Chiropractic Clinic.