For many of us, a visit to the chiropractor seems like a waste of time. Seen as a service used only by older people, or those with significant health issues, on the surface, there is very little reason to pay a visit to a professional chiropractic clinic. Despite this popular assumption, you may be surprised to discover that the majority of individuals can stand to benefit from a visit - regardless of age, lifestyle or circumstances. Within this handy guide, let the experts at The Hillsborough Chiropractic Clinic guide you through some surprising benefits - from improved athletic performance, to helping out with health conditions which you wouldn’t traditionally associate with treatments which target primarily musculoskeletal areas.
Chiropractic Treatment Explained
A chiropractor is perhaps best described as a medical professional who treats any form of pain or dysfunction in the muscles, bones, and joints. A chiropractor can provide non-pharmaceutical alternative methods of treatment, particularly if your issue involves the musculoskeletal system. Your body's joints will be adjusted by a qualified chiropractor using their hands or specialised tools, which will help to relieve pain and improve the alignment and physical functionality of your body. The most common chiropractic treatment for any condition is typically joint manipulation, however during the course of your care, your chiropractor may also use other techniques. These might consist of mobilisation, dry needling, acupuncture for medical purposes, and massage procedures.
Eligibility And Details
To make sure you're a viable fit for chiropractic care, you should be screened before getting any sort of adjustment. Your chiropractor will refer you to another healthcare provider if they feel that chiropractic treatment is not appropriate for your condition, as treatment methods may be unsafe otherwise. Children and adults of all ages can benefit from a chiropractic adjustment as a treatment option, though between the ages of 45 and 65 is when chiropractic care is most frequently sought by patients. Before your first chiropractic treatment, you may feel anxious, but aside from a little discomfort, most treatments are painless!
An Alternative To Medication
Chiropractic and conventional back pain treatments both aim to treat back pain, though chiropractic procedures notably focus more on mechanical problems in the body, rather than those brought on by disease or illness. Almost any type of pain that doesn't require surgery can be treated by chiropractic procedures in fact. In the event that surgery is required, a chiropractor can refer you to the appropriate surgeon and specialist for your peace of mind. Chiropractic care has frequently helped patients who have had little to no luck with more conventional treatments - for example, opioid painkillers are frequently prescribed to people with chronic pain in order to help them manage their discomfort, but receiving chiropractic care might reduce your need for these painkillers.
Targeted Pain Relief
Chiropractors offer more than just back pain relief, able to treat pain in the elbows, shoulders, neck, hips, and ankles. A chiropractor can help, for instance, if you have osteoarthritis or osteoporosis in your hip or knee, and are experiencing pain. Most people go to a chiropractor to relieve pain, and chiropractic care for neck and back pain is non-invasive, essential for your general health. This type of treatment is much less dangerous than surgery because of the non-invasive nature, and the same is true for some painkiller types and their side effects. Your range of motion, muscle tension, and daily activities are all improved with the help of neck and back pain management, specifically targeted in accordance with your needs.
Heal Those Headaches
One of the most frequent reasons people visit a chiropractor is to treat headaches, and chiropractic care is an alternative to pain medication which may provoke complications. According to research, patients often feel noticeably better after visiting a chiropractor. Numerous headaches can result from neck, back, and spinal misalignment, with chiropractors able to lessen their severity and frequency. Along with easing low back pain, they can ease muscle tension and improve blood flow, all of which is beneficial for migraines. You'll probably be given exercises to perform at home or in the gym to speed up your recovery and prevent a recurrence of your issues when visiting for frequent headaches.
Pregnancy And Immunity
Not everyone is aware of the advantages of consulting a professional, but chiropractic care can benefit pregnant women. Pregnancy can be healthier and more comfortable with the help of a treatment plan. Find out if this form of treatment is offered by asking your chiropractor, and if so, they'll aid in reducing the strain that pregnancy can put on the spine. Additionally, they will lessen stress by providing the nervous system with excellent medical benefits. Your body should be able to fight off the majority of mild illnesses without the use of medication if your nervous system is healthy and has been strengthened by a chiropractor.
Athletic Performance
Professional athletes frequently use physical therapy and chiropractors, demonstrating how crucial it is to maintain a healthy, active body. Whatever sport you participate in, your body will recover better with the aid of a chiropractor. Whether you're an occasional athlete or someone who takes their sport seriously, assistance from a chiropractor can help you perform better. A chiropractor can remove and treat a number of common sporting issues as well as assist with ligament strains. Numerous injuries can also be treated by chiropractors to lessen pain and inflammation.
Sports Massages
Our sports massage is made to target injury-prone areas and aid in improving muscle flexibility, thereby enhancing circulation and reducing the risk of further tension or injuries. Methods include stretching, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and deep tissue massages. For chronic hamstring strains, calf strains, Achilles tendon injuries, rotator cuff injuries, tight muscles, and tennis elbow for example, people can really stand to benefit from visiting a sports massage therapist. At The Hillsborough Chiropractic Clinic, we provide expert sports massages that can hasten and improve your recovery from sports-related injuries. We also offer therapeutic massages, which can incorporate manual lymphatic drainage.
Hillsborough Chiropractic: From Treatment For Neck Pain To Sciatica Treatment
When you visit The Hillsborough Chiropractic Clinic, you can be confident in the fact that our experienced and skilled chiropractors regularly treat a wide range of musculoskeletal issues. These include sciatica, lower back pain, neck pain and cervicogenic headaches, while we offer additional services for other frequent issues. If you’re looking for chiropractic services performed by a team of highly-qualified, compassionate practitioners, look no further than our local clinic. All of our chiropractors are trained to degree level and are registered with the General Chiropractic Council for assurance of their expertise.
Our chiropractors can treat a variety of musculoskeletal problems, so if you’re looking for a chiropractor as you are not keen on taking pain medication, we’re the professionals to trust. Struggling with unexpected aches and pains? We employ a team of professional chiropractors and a massage therapist who have years of expertise in this area - and will help to ease your discomfort through best practices. Contact us today to book a consultation and treatment!